Nnakwe Emeri

Nnakwe Emeri
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4 Articles

Author's articles

  • Pain under the left shoulder blade: what are the indications and when does it appear? Causes of pain under the left shoulder blade. Diagnosis and treatment.
    22 January 2024
  • Why does the back ache in the lumbar region? What is myofascial pain and how to get rid of it. Pain associated with spinal pathology and other causes. How to get rid of and how to treat back pain.
    29 October 2022
  • Why does the neck hurt is a question that has worried everyone at least once. But no matter how simple these symptoms are, the onset of pain in the neck can be explained by many factors: from the common cold to severe cases of osteochondrosis. Treatment for pain depends on the underlying cause.
    13 October 2022
  • Effective methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis at home: exercises and massage, recipes for folk remedies, general recommendations.
    12 October 2022